Acorn Man

Claire Choi

Claire Choi

Age 10-12 category | Fall into Fiction Short Story Contest 2024 | San José Public Library

Hello! My name is Claire Choi. I live in the United States. Right now, there are a lot of wars going on outside of the United States like Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Palestine, and many more!
If you live in the United States, you shouldn't feel like life is terrible. Think about all the children out there who are starving to death. So let's be grateful and do our best to make the world a little brighter.

Well, anyway let's get started on the story.

Yep, you heard that right! I am Acorn Man. WHAT!?! YOU DON'T KNOW ACORN MAN? I
I'm a superhero - way better than Batman – who saves the day with the smallest things.

Wait, did you hear that? It sounds like it's coming from the museum. Let's go!
I peek over and I see nothing. I come closer and closer. Then suddenly BABG everything is dark!

Oh No! I am trapped! I turn on an acorn-shaped lamp.

The nutshell is moving. I've got an idea. I throw out an acorn bomb! BOOM! That only made a little dent.

Whoa! I am falling! Yeah. Someone opened the nutshell! I can see outside.

NO! I AM FALLING! By the way, I can't fly. Hey! You can't fly either.

I fall down and it's the end of Acorn Man... Goodbye, Acorn Man.

Just before I hit the ground, I grab a branch and swing to safety! I'm not out of the game just yet. Watch out, bad guys—Acorn Man is here to stay!