Drift Of The Dragons

Doyun Kim

Doyun Kim

Third Place Winner; Age 0-7 Category. San José Public Library | Fall into Fiction Contest, 2022

Hi! My name is Drake! Let me tell you about my terrifying adventure!
I had gotten a ticket to Dragon Ditch. Just as I got off the train, the driver told me "Good luck with the dragons!" I was going to ask him about it, but when I turned around he was already gone. I heard a growl behind me. I saw a 16 headed dragon. I watched everybody scream. Even though other people were gone, I heard a high pitched scream! Then I realized it's me who was screaming! I ran for cover. Then I saw 4 women in dresses driving a 48ft 9inches monster truck. I thought it couldn't get any weirder, but it did. A man wearing a hotdog suit was running in a circle with a fish bowl on his head. And it got worse. 4 dragons started chasing me! I found a bucket of cold water. That was the only thing I could defend myself with. I splashed the bucket of water on the dragons. Guess what?! The dragons stumbled and then collapsed! During my victory dance move, I tripped over a stone. Which turned out to be a button for opening the gates for the dragon army. I was so scared! My face turned blue and I ran away. Then I accidentally kicked a pair of scissors on the ground. They flew into the air like a boomerang and snipped the wire holding a giant tub of water. Water fell down like a waterfall!
I went home after defeating the dragon army. I felt a tingle through my body. What will my next adventure be?

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