Everly : The babysitter

Tisha Prasad

Tisha Prasad

First Place Winner; Age 13-17 Category. San José Public Library | Fall into Fiction Contest, 2022

It's not every day you get a talking elephant as a babysitter.
I've had a variety of babysitters. But these babysitters never stuck around. That may have been because of my pranks.
So the elephant was their last resort.
This elephant was supposedly a great babysitter with lots of five-star reviews. But if I could make this elephant angry enough to quit, they'd finally stop hiring babysitters.
I had an entire plan laid out.
My parents left as soon as the elephant came. The elephant was surprisingly small enough to fit in the house.
"Hey, Sal!" she said. "I'm Everly. I'm so excited to hang out with you today!"
"Hi," I said. I pretended like I wasn't just talking to an elephant. "I have homework," I said, and went off to do it.
Everly sat on the couch nearby. But when she sat down, a fart noise could be heard. I tried not to laugh.
Everly got back up and found that she had sat on a Whoopee cushion. It was a classic prank.
But Everly laughed. "Wow!" she exclaimed. She put the Whoopee cushion beside her and plopped down on the couch. That was not typical babysitter behavior; she was supposed to be lecturing me. But forget about the Whoopee cushion. I was just getting started.
"I'm so thirsty," I muttered, just loud enough for Everly to hear. So, I got a paper cup and drank a little water from it. Suddenly, I choked on the water and started coughing.
Alarm bells went off in Everly's head. "Are you okay?!" she asked frantically. But I kept on wheezing.
Finally, I managed to sputter out, "There's a spider... in the cup!" I held it out for her to see. As soon as she peered inside, I squeezed the cup, and all of the water splashed out onto her face.
Everly looked up at me in surprise. "Wait... so this whole thing was an act?"
"Yeah," I said.
She grinned. "Ha! Good one."
I couldn't believe it. No reaction out of Everly. But there was no way she was going to survive my next prank.
I found some mints in the cupboard and hid a handful of them in my mouth. Then, I went back to where Everly was sitting. There was a little area still wet from my previous trick, so I ran up to it and pretended to slip on the water.
At the same time, I crunched the mints in my mouth. CRACK! Everly shrieked. She thought that the crunch was my bones breaking.
"Oh my gosh! I should have mopped the water earlier! Are you okay, Sal?" Everly cried.
I said nothing. I pretended to be unconscious.
"Sal!" Everly shook me slightly, but I did not wake up. "Oh god! I need to call 911!"
I assumed she pulled out her phone. She filled the police in, and next thing I knew, the ambulance was on its way to our house.
I wanted to yell, "Wait, stop!" But it was too late.
I really didn't mean for the prank to go this far, but I was in too deep. I even heard the ambulance siren in the distance.
The siren grew louder, and louder, but then stopped. They had arrived.
I heard knocks on our door, and Everly rushed to answer it. "Hello," she said in a panicked voice. "Yes, in the living room." I heard heavy footsteps walking towards me, thud, tHuD, THUD.
This was it. This was the end. The police would be furious, and I was about to get arrested for wasting their time.
Suddenly, I felt myself getting tickled in the stomach, and I couldn't help but laugh.
I rolled around and saw Everly sitting next to me. But the police were not there.
"I knew you were faking it!" Everly exclaimed.
"Wut?" I said.
What was going on? I heard her call the ambulance; I heard their siren; I heard their footsteps! Everly thought I was dead!
Everly grinned. "I didn't actually call 911, I pretended to."
My eyes widened. "So that was... a prank?"
"You could say so!" Everly replied.
"But that doesn't explain the siren that I heard."
"I played an ambulance siren video on my phone."
"And the heavy footsteps?"
Everly pointed to her feet. She was wearing my mom's gardening boots, which fit awkwardly on her elephant feet.
"Wait. How did you tickle me? Elephants don't have fingers, right?"
She held up a hairbrush.
I was so surprised.
"You got me good!" I exclaimed. "I was totally scared that the police had actually come! How did you come up with all of this?"
"Let's just say... I also have a few tricks up my sleeves."
I guess I didn't need to make Everly quit anymore. She was someone I could work with. Finally, a babysitter with a sense of humor.

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